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Green Circle Inc.
We are leading NABET accredited Integrated HSEQR Consultants, Engineers, Scientists and Trainers specialized in the field of Environment, Safety, Health & Hygiene, and Risk-Engineering & Quality Systems.
Green Infrastructure
Environmental Research & Development Centre
Our infrastructure also includes of a State-of-the-Art MOEF & CC approved laboratory and R&D centre.
It aids in our in-house research and also facilitates our field monitoring services.
GreenBio System
It is a symbiotic process of treatment of water with the help of Specific species of plants, Earthworms & Microbes which are made acclimatized to the specific effluent sample.
Green Circle Inc.
We are leading Integrated HSEQR Consulting Engineers, Scientists & Trainers offering services under various business domains.
We offer One Stop Solution for all industrial requirements in the field of Environment, risk and safety, having Business Operations in India, Middle East, Far East, Vietnam and Africa.
Our New Programs
We shall ensure quality, reliability and continuous technology upgradation thereby enhancing the value of stakeholders. We should inspire others to create pollution free world in order to achieve sustainable growth.
The Green People
Engineers and Scientists at heart, we are passionate about Sustainability and related projects. The principle of ‘Prevention is better than Cure’ goes a long way!


Green Infrastructure